Course Content
What kind of study materials will I study?
In the Marugoto Japanese Online Course, there are two study contents, Katsudoo and Rikai, to help you learn to communicate using the Japanese language.
In Katsudoo, you will study from steps 1 to 6 for each goal to acquire practical communication skills in everyday situations.
- Step1: Know the goals
- Check the goal and situation.
- Step2: Look,Listen and Try Saying
- Listen to the sound and practice saying it.
- Step3: Listen and Find
- Listen to a conversation, etc., and understand its contents and take note of the expressions.
- Step4: Try Using
- Watch a video, and practice speaking or writing in Japanese.
- Step5: Can-do Check
- Check by yourself if you were able to reach the goal.
- Step6: Life and Culture
(Even numbered lessons only) - Understand Japanese life and culture by looking at photos and watching videos.
In Rikai, you will study from steps 1 to 8 for each lesson to learn about the structure of Japanese.
- Step1: Basic Sentences
- Check what you will study.
- Step2: Japanese Script and Vocabulary
- Practice Japanese script and vocabulary.
- Step3: Kanji
- Learn the kanji for words related to the topic.
- Step4: Conversation and Grammar
- Understand sentence structure and rules by relating the conversation and grammar.
- Step5: Reading
- Read a short composition.
- Step6: Writing
- Write a short composition.
- Step7: Quiz (A1-1,A1-2 only)
- Take a quiz.
- Step8: Nihongo Check
- Check by yourself if you understand how to use Japanese appropriate for this situation.
I am worried that I will not be able to understand properly by self-study...
There are a variety of contents available to support everyone's studies, so that you can properly understand and advance even with self-study.
Overall support
You can refer anytime to the contents to be studied in this course, as well as the basic knowledge related to Japanese, grammar materials, word books, kanji lists, etc.These study materials can also be downloaded in PDF.
Support for each lesson
Besides the content of the lesson being studied, you can refer anytime to the meaning and explanation of words, basic sentences and kanji to be studied in the lesson, so that you can immediately look up anything you do not understand.
Support for each study content
There are supplementary explanations for new words and expressions, information on Japanese culture, etc., depending on the content of the practice under study.
Thus, you can deepen your own understanding while advancing in your studies.
I am worried that I will not be able to continue studying by self-study...
In the online course, you can study at your own pace and in your preferred time and place.We have provided each person with a My Page so that everyone can look back on their learning process by themselves, and help them continue with their Japanese language studies, which they have started and given considerable effort to because of their interest.
My Page "Study Progress"
Since the progress of your study is recorded, you can check the places you have studied at a glance, and advance at your own pace while checking your daily study progress.
My Page "Portfolio"
Since your Japanese language and culture studies are recorded, including self-evaluations and written exercises during the study, you can look back on your studies anytime and see your learning process and accomplishments over the course.
If you are interested in the Marugoto
Japanese Online Course,
please try our trial version!